Now more than ever, people are wanting to stay living in their own homes. Whether it’s the competitive nature of the real-estate market or the global pandemic encouraging you to stay at home, there are plenty of reasons to install a Simplex residential lift.
Future Proof Your Home
Installing a lift into your home provides piece of mind knowing that even though your capabilities may change as you grow older, you will always be able to move between levels safely.
Simplex Easy Move Home Lift installed in a residence at the Sunshine Coast.
Increase the value of your property
Home Lifts are becoming increasingly common to include in home renovations and new builds as they differentiate your property from the rest, giving you an advantage if the time comes to sell. Residential lifts add a unique selling point and create a fully accessible home, appealing to a wider market.
With endless customization options, we can tailor your lift design to compliment the surrounding environment and architecture, making it an extension of your home.
Simplex Elite Home Lift installed at a residence in Lota, Queensland.
Stay in the home you love
The thought of being forced to move out of your beloved home due to an inability to climb your steep staircase is sadly the reality for a lot of elderly Queenslanders. Thanks to advancing technology, this no longer needs to be the case. Simplex provides a range of products, varying in price, to ensure there is a suitable product for every client. Our line of Stair Lifts is our most affordable piece of equipment that is quick to install and requires maintenance only 2 times a year.
Simplex Client, Helen Darby sitting in her Simplex Stair Lift. Read more about Helen's story here.
Simplex offers a range of equipment to suit your needs, whatever they may be! We have Platform and Stair lifts to assist you with access needs, as well as a range of Passenger Lifts that will increase the value of your property whilst moving you in style. If you have any questions about what Simplex Residential Lift would best suit your needs, get in contact today via the online form or call (07) 3881 3355.