Simplex Elevators Next Level Approach to Safety

Woman using a stair lift

Here at Simplex, the safety of our clients, staff, and communities in which we operate are our number 1 priority.

As the chosen provider for access and disability solutions, we understand the challenges some of our clients face and endeavour to make their lives easier through the implementation of our products and services.

Our access equipment has been designed using state-of-the-art technology that focuses on the needs of the end-user and complies with all Australian Standards and International best practices.

All lift models are equipped with safety features including seat belts in Stair Lifts, and electric locks in Platform Lifts to ensure the user’s wellbeing.

If you require a disability access solution for your home or business, we recommend reaching out to an Occupational Therapist to get a personalised assessment. This assessment will help tailor the right product for your needs.

Adapting someone’s home through the installation of a Simplex Elevators product gives back control and independence to the user whilst providing peace-of-mind to their family members.

When we install a new piece of equipment, part of the handover process involves educating the user on how to operate the lift safely. A product-specific manual is also provided to our clients for them to keep available for future reference.

Simplex Elevators has a 24/7 support line which our clients can call if they have any questions or concerns regarding their equipment.

If you have any questions about your equipment please do not hesitate to get in touch.